Andrew Paradis

Senior Software Engineer

Andrew Paradis joined SDi in 2024 as a Software Engineer. Prior to joining SDi, Andrew was a software engineer with Maritime Surveillance Associates (MSA) for eight years, where he helped develop the desktop GRAMS software suite, its tracking and event reconstruction capabilities, and its collection of mathematical libraries.

Andrew has a B.S. in Physics and an M.S. in Engineering Physics from the University of Maine. He was also a doctoral candidate in Computational and Statistical Physics for five years, where he learned the fundamentals of object-oriented programming while writing mathematical simulations of biological cell membranes. Before becoming a software developer and engineer, Andrew taught high school math and science, and university physics. Andrew is a former US Marine, having served as a SAW gunner in the 1990s, and enjoys the enthusiastic and broad admiration and attention this earns him from the US Navy veterans he works with at MSA.

Andrew grew up in northern Maine, and now lives in Topsham, Maine with his wife Raija, a former chemist and current Operations Manager for a Maine bioscience company. He has a grown daughter who lives and works up north as a web developer and horse trainer. He enjoys homebrewing, cooking & baking, bicycling, playing and writing music, traveling, and losing to Raija at a number of different board games.