SBIR Topic # N1820116
Minimization of In-Band Interferers on Airborne Anti-Submarine System Performance
OBJECTIVE: Develop signal processing techniques to isolate and minimize in-band interferences that obscure or degrade the performance of passive or active Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) systems.
Awarded to: RDA, Inc.
Contract #: N68335-21-C-0009
Topic #: N182-116
Phase: II
Scheduled Completion Dates:
Base: 1/12/2022
Option: 7/15/2023
- Pd, Pfa
- CPU Load
- Memory Footprint
- Interference Rejection
Technology Development:
Develop technologies to mitigate the adverse effects of acoustic interference on Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) systems.
- Identify, Quantify, Characterize, Correlate interfering sources
- Adaptive Algorithms, Metrics, Prototypes
- Known vs Unknown interferers
- Field interferer rejection
Phase II Team and Key Personnel:
Prime Contractor: RDA, Inc
- PI: Jon Dionne
- IQCC Algorithms, LCAP development
Subcontractor: L3 Harris Adaptive Methods
- I: Travis Cuprak
- Adaptive Algorithms
Warfighting Capability:
- Sensor-agnostic, low system impact capability to significantly reduce or mitigate high-energy acoustic interferers for both passive and active ASW sensors and missions.
- No impact or change to sonobuoy hardware or software, nor in the RF uplink. All signal processing resides onboard the aircraft.
- The primary beneficiary of the SBIR technology includes the MAC and MAC-E family of sonobuoys and future sonobuoys, such as the Extended Range DIFAR.